Review by Peter of Miss Moon Liveaboard Diving

A Review of MV Miss Moon Liveaboard

Who is British
1 Review
Peter Miss Moon
Rated MV Miss Moon : 8/10
Dived with MV Miss Moon December 2019 - 1873 days ago
Miss Moon is not a high end boat and our diving wasn’t the best (poor viz-but that canny be helped) however , the crew are amazing and there’s lots to see and enjoy above the water line . Chef does a great job - food and snacks were very good
Visited dive sites: Burma Banks, Caven Point, Shark Cave, Black Rock, North Twin, Seafan Forest, Western Rocky, Volcano on a 8 Days / 7 Nights Liveaboard Trip in Myanmar.
Miss Moon Burma Myanmar dive boat
MV Miss Moon
8/10 Based on 1 diver reviews

Additional Reviews For MV Miss Moon

Total: 1 diver reviews
Free Scuba Diver!
T-shirt & wrist band
+ Drybag or Beach towel